Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Camper's insight into camp

Here At Happy Hollow we have had a great last couple of days. Here are some thoughts from the campers about what they thing of camp.

We went to archery and everyone hit the target even Monica. It was super. We have only been here for 2 days and everything has been awesome so far. I was even the hopper, it was so fun. I have a lot of friends too.

I am having fun. I love camp. I made a target and I cannot wait to go swimming.

Today when we got up we cleaned. Then we got dressed and went to breakfast. Then we did archery. I shot 5 arrows. It was very fun.

Camp is a great place. Yesterday we sang sons and there was a little play/ But then today we ate breakfast and then did arrows and bows.

I am at camp. It is called Happy Hollow. It was almost time for dinner but first we had to get ready so we went the cabin to get ready. We have to do the Pledge of Allegiance before we eat. After dinner we went back to the cabins. We had a little play time and then we went to opening campfire. Then we went and got ready for bed. We got ready and went to sleep. Good night.

Today when we got to camp we met with our counselors and then the counselors showed us around. Then we went to dinner. PS the dinner was great.

Today I went creek hiking and what I liked about it was that we all found fairy stones. I did not like all the hiking. We also went swimming but there were a lot of fish coming up to my toes. We also went to the athletic field. I really liked playing the games on the athletic field.

I went on a creek hike and found and I found a fairy stone but my friend found it for me. And then we went swimming and I liked it very much. And I liked the camp store. I also like the animas. But the best thing was swimming test. I past the swimming test it was easy and all my friends did it, all six of us. We all past the swimming test.

Today at camp I had a blast. First we went to the nature center and studied the animals and leaves. Then we took a creek hike and I found rocks with a hole in it which is a fairy stone. You can make only one wish per stone. It was very cool and fun. After that we went swimming in the. At first I was scared but when I got in it was warm and had nothing but sand. Some of the counselors taught us swimming lessons like bubbles, going under water, pulling a buddy with a floaty, and kicking lessons. Happy Hollow is a very fun Camp.

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